Our BEST PRICE FIRST pricing is based on:
- We constantly shop our competition
- Offers and specials the manufacturer is offering
- Data from Edmunds, Kelley Blue Book, and other dealers

At Executive Honda THERE IS:
- No Need to Negotiate
- No Haggling
- No Pressure
- No Wasting Your Valuable Time

Executive Protection Suite:
- Roadside Assistance
- Loyalty Rewards
- Free Shuttle & Loaner Service
- 90 Day Dent Guarantee
- Lifetime Powertrain Warranty
- 72 Hour Satisfaction Guarantee
- 1 Year Passkey Key Replacement
We Guarantee Our Lowest Prices
110% of the difference back if you get a lower price
We Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

What makes Our Sales Consultants Different?
My compensation is not based on the selling price of the vehicle.
I am paid on volume and customer satisfaction.
I want what you want – the vehicle that best fits your needs at the price that’s best for you.
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